Sunday, November 22, 2009

Continuation of My "Julie/Julia" Goal

I just moved into the house that I bought with my mother. It's going to be my mother's retirement home in the future, but my sister and I will be living here while we go to grad school. We love our home - We closed on Election Day, and the mayoral candidate we worked for during the summer won the election! Tuesday, November 3rd was a great day! God shined down on us with fantastic weather after a dreary October.

Actually my birthday was in October, and I remembered this project. I regretted that I let the whole house-buying process derail my original intention to compete in a beauty pageant by 1 year. Then last week I saw "Julie/Julia" the book in Barnes & Noble and impulsively bought it. I was reading it last night in a wine bar, and then the waiter brought my receipt with "Julie/Julia Project" noted as my name. Underneath it was the time: 8:17pm. 17 is a very special number for me so I believe God just gave me a special sign to continue pursuing my dream. I also happened to read the first chapters of the book that detailed how Julie was moving simultaneously as she started her Julie/Julia Project. So I promised myself I would start today - 11/22/09 (and true to my word, right before midnight ;).

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