Wednesday, September 17, 2008


This is my first permanent blog entry.

I had attempted to create one a few years ago, but I had misgivings about writing in public. But Jesus said, by way of a parable, to multiply the gold coins that God Has Given us to serve Him. One of the talents that God has given me is the ability to write. However, I've been burying that talent out of fear because Jesus also said that what comes out of our mouth is what makes us unclean.

Today is September 17, 2008 - a day that I pledged to God that I would change. This is one of my promises. "Be slow to anger" - "Be merciful" - I pray to God in the Name of Jesus Christ to guard and guide my words on this blog to help His Flock.

Please pray for me so that I can write what pleases God even if religious leaders disagree. Jesus's teachings angered the Pharisees, the leading religious officials of the day. I am in no way like Jesus. I aspire to follow in His Footsteps.

That is why I would like to use another gift that God gave me - the love of history - to record our current events and my impressions from my distinct viewpoint. I hope that one day these words can help further God's goal of saving His Flock.

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